Is church music about our preferences or God's? Why are worship wars so unneccesary?
In this special episode, Andrew invites Tom Schneider, Ron Delio, and Diane Arnold to talk about music in the church. Join us from the stage at The Church at Sunsites.
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In the coming weeks, Andrew and James will continue walking through Luther’s 95 theses and Washer’s indictments against the modern church. After that, they will address popular teaching in the world today-comparing its content to Scripture. Send teachings you would like them to interact with using the contact form at If you are interested in being a guest on the podcast, please include that information.
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Andrew and James interact with what they hear coming from woke church pulpits. This is the new racism and injustice of our day–and preachers...
Most churches claim to teach from the Bible, but do they teach the Bible? There is a big difference. Churches often use the attractions...
The problem people have is not sin, particularly. It is unrighteousness; sin is merely the symptom. Many churches today seem to think that sin...