The Ninety-Five, episode 06: False Teaching=False Security

Episode 6 June 08, 2020 00:43:21
The Ninety-Five, episode 06: False Teaching=False Security
Daily Devotionals with Andrew Cannon
The Ninety-Five, episode 06: False Teaching=False Security

Jun 08 2020 | 00:43:21


Show Notes

Are we secure in our salvation? The most dangerous thing about false teaching and unsound doctrine: it causes people who are not known by Christ to sincerely believe they have eternal life. That's the most important reason we have to address false teaching. In 1517, the Roman Catholic Church was not answering sincere questions or speaking to reality. Instead, it was teaching people to trust in their money and works rather than Jesus Christ.


In this episode, James and Andrew finish considering Luther's 95 Theses. John, the apostle, wrote to the church instructing her to test the spirits because not every spirit (wind of teaching) is from God. By testing the spirits according to Scripture, we become secure in our salvation and by no other means.


Share teachings you would like for us to address or public teachers you would like us to evaluate biblically at If you would like to be a guest on the show, to either civilly debate or discuss a false teaching you are passionate about addressing, please let us know.

In the coming weeks, Andrew and James will walk through Paul Washer’s indictments against the modern church. After that, they will address popular teaching in the world today-comparing its content to Scripture. Send teachings you would like them to interact with using the contact form at If you are interested in being a guest on the podcast, please include that information.

New Episodes air each Monday.


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Take the test to see if you are known by Christ and have eternal life, if you are in a true local church, or if you might be a false teacher.


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