Love the Law and Celebrate Good Things

September 25, 2023 00:05:37
Love the Law and Celebrate Good Things
Daily Devotionals with Andrew Cannon
Love the Law and Celebrate Good Things

Sep 25 2023 | 00:05:37


Show Notes

The elders of Israel eat and drink in the presence of God as a result of receiving His Law. They are not terrified. God has shown that He is interested in their prosperity, not their destruction. He wants to establish them, not oppress them. The same is true for us. When we love God's Law, we are brought to true prosperity, joy, and celebration.

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Episode Transcript

God has given Israel some laws that will prosper them as a society and promote justice within their borders. The people agree to keep these laws. There is a ceremony to consecrate the people of Israel and make the laws official for them—a sacrifice and the sprinkling of blood as if to say, “If we do not keep these laws as a people, let it be done to us as was done to these animals.” More than only Moses saw a manifestation of God—including Aaron, Hur, and seventy other elders. When they saw God, instead of being terrified or acting like God was oppressing them, they ate (presumably of the sacrifice) and drank in His presence. Their celebration was gleeful because God’s laws were good. God calls to Moses on the seventh day he is on the mountain—seven being the number of completeness in Hebrew tradition. Moses remains for forty days and nights, the number of days and nights it rained on Noah—a number that came to represent deliverance and new life. Israel had been enslaved and oppressed for four hundred years. Now, the nation receives a law that frees, empowers, and protects each one against oppression. It is a law that breaths life into a dead society. There is no promise, here, that keeping the Law will grant anyone eternal life. But, to be delivered from injustice and oppression and given a Law that will prevent such in society is worth celebrating—even eating and drinking in the presence of a God who is so good that He would give such a Law, not oppressing people but enacting justice, mercy, and peace within the borders if the people follow these precepts. When we learn to love God’s Law, even if we are not Israelites, and follow God’s precepts, we will find society thriving such that we also find the joy to want to eat and drink in the presence of God—who gives us good things, delivers us from the oppression of worldly ways, and teaches us true justice and mercy and peace.

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