Celebration- Exodus 23:14-19

September 20, 2023 00:05:21
Celebration- Exodus 23:14-19
Daily Devotionals with Andrew Cannon
Celebration- Exodus 23:14-19

Sep 20 2023 | 00:05:21


Show Notes

As the people of God, we have the greatest reason to celebrate. And, God wants us to.

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God writes into His Law that Israel is to celebrate three national feasts each year—the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover), the Feast of the Harvest (Weeks or Booths), and the Feast of Ingathering (Pentecost). The fact that these are feasts, insinuates that the people not only sacrificed to the Lord, but ate of the sacrifices. God was not interested in sacrifices because He somehow needed them or people needed them to become righteous. The sacrifices for these feasts were celebratory in nature. The people ate of them. The fact that they are called sacrifices in the Law does not change the fact that these feasts were basically to be a national cook-out where people brought their own animal to eat. God is honored when we celebrate what He has done by enjoying food and drink (cf. Deuteronomy 14:22-29). God gives special instruction in the context of celebration. Israel was not to be unhinged in her celebration of God’s bounty. First, blood was not to be sacrificed with unleavened bread. The holiness of the people, their being set apart as the people of God, was always signified by the absence of leaven from the bread at their feasts. Celebration was no excuse to become like other nations. So, it is for all of God’s people. When we celebrate, we don’t use it as an excuse to forsake our godliness. Second, the fat of God’s feast is not to remain overnight. People were to prepare only as much as they could eat so that there was no waste and nothing was spoiled. Celebration is not an excuse for waste. We are still to be good stewards of what God has given us. Third, people were to bring their choice fruits before God. Since the people themselves were partaking of these fruits, I imagine that God wants His people to enjoy the best of their own labor to His glory. Fourth, the people were not to boil a young goat in its mother’s milk. As much as I have read, I’m not sure anyone really understands this instruction. About the best explanation I have seen concerns God’s basic love for His creation and requirement that His people care for His creation. God also honors and loves familial relationships spanning all creation. God’s people are not to abuse His ideals in any way. Much like most hunters believe it immoral to kill a fawn and would much rather shoot for bucks than does; and much like many people consider cooking veal immoral because the calf has not yet grown into a bull. Perhaps this instruction is against using young goats for the feasts, but the wording is perplexing and the command itself seems a little odd to modern day readers. We can know that God wants us to care for and steward His creation. Celebration is not an excuse to abuse it or waste its potential. So, as the people of God, we have the greatest reason to celebrate out of all the people’s of the earth. We get to celebrate every week. We have holidays that God has blessed us with on which to celebrate. These three feasts were given to Israel. Whether or not we observe these specific feasts, the principle remains. Celebrate the goodness of God.

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