Providing for the Needy and Rest- Exodus 23:10-13

September 19, 2023 00:03:11
Providing for the Needy and Rest- Exodus 23:10-13
Daily Devotionals with Andrew Cannon
Providing for the Needy and Rest- Exodus 23:10-13

Sep 19 2023 | 00:03:11


Show Notes

God instructs Israel to keep Sabbath years and days. Why? He is interested in caring for people, the land, and animals. His people were to always care for the same things. He does not accomplish that by taxing the people so that the state may provide welfare. He simply requires that His people rest.

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Episode Transcript

In these verses, God expands a little on the idea of the Sabbath, this time applying it to land, animals, and servants. He gives a reason for the Sabbath laws. He is giving them so that the needy and wild animals can eat and so that animals, servants, and strangers can rest from their labors. So, God is interested in being sure people and animals are provided for if they have no means to provide for themselves. He is interested in being sure people have the opportunity to refresh their bodies and minds instead of having to labor every single day. In these short section, I see two applications to our own lives from the principles of God’s Law. First, God wants people without means and even wild animals to be taken care of. He did not institute any kind of welfare system like we see in the world today, which seems to mostly be a system that just kicks people while they are down so they can’t get up. Instead of taxing the people so that the state could become god to the poor, God instructed those in Israel who grew food and drink as a matter of business to let the land rest so that those in need and wild animals could find food. Such charity was built into God’s business plan for the people—they left some to be given freely. So, instead of paying taxes to a state for the purpose of making sure the state remains lord over people, individual businesses provided from their overflow as they let their business rest. This worked out to society’s good—even the good of the wild animals. Governments today require more taxes so people have to work more. God did not. People could work less, and more people were provided for—a system I think we can learn much from in our time. Second, to rest from labor was important for everyone. Masters were not allowed to overburden their slaves or work animals or strangers who needed jobs. While many people in our own time overwork their employees, equipment, and animals, the Bible speaks wisdom into our lives. God has given something good. I do believe that when people get the rest they need, they are much more efficient when it is time to work. Sabbath years and days were established for the good of people and society as a whole.

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