Idol Worship and Snares- Exodus 23:20-33

September 21, 2023 00:05:25
Idol Worship and Snares- Exodus 23:20-33
Daily Devotionals with Andrew Cannon
Idol Worship and Snares- Exodus 23:20-33

Sep 21 2023 | 00:05:25


Show Notes

God gives the Law for Israel's benefit, and ours. Prosperity meant an end to miscarriage, barrenness, and premature death. When we follow the precepts of the Law, the same is true for us. God created the earth and our bodies. He knows how we should treat them.

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In the context of this Law, which was given for the good of Israel—that the people would live long and prosper—God promises to drive out the people groups that do not worship Him from the land. Their ways are bad for people. But, God’s Law will effectively prevent sickness, miscarriages, barrenness, and premature death. God’s command to Israel not to worship false gods is not an arbitrary command or some complex God has to need to be worshipped. He is conspicuously giving Israel instructions for the good of the people. That is why He warns them that serving other so-called gods will be a snare to them. It will trip them up. Their ways, which usually reflect the selfish ambition or greed of people, are the cause of sickness, miscarriages, barrenness, and premature death. It is because of their injustices that God is driving them out. Israel is to be different. God wants people on His earth who understand what it means to act well. He teaches us in His Law about dietary health, caring for the land, not overindulging, getting rest for the body and mind, healing the spirit, practicing good business, treating others well, limiting government, remaining clean, and so much more. His has given His precepts in order to lead Israel to live long in the land and prosper. He created the land and the human body. He knows how to care for them. We would do well to listen. God also explains why He will not drive out all the people of Canaan quickly. It is for Israel’s benefit that He drive out the Canaanites slowly over time—so that Israel has the chance to become prosperous and the wild beasts do not become too numerous for them. Every step of the way, God has His people’s best interest in mind.

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