It's possible to be the church without going to church. We go to church to hear preaching and music. The church gathering is all about us praising God, hearing from God's word, and practicing the sacraments. If this is what the church is to you, then you do not know the purpose of the church or your place in it.
In this episode, James and Andrew consider Paul Washer's sixth indictment against the modern church. They consider the modern church's perception of the gathering and contrast it against what Scripture says about the gathering.
Share teachings you would like for us to address or public teachers you would like us to evaluate biblically at If you would like to be a guest on the show, to either civilly debate or discuss a false teaching you are passionate about addressing, please let us know.
In the coming weeks, Andrew and James will continue to walk through Paul Washer’s indictments against the modern church. After that, they will address popular teaching in the world today-comparing its content to Scripture.
New Episodes air each Monday.
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Many programs today try to match modern events with Bible prophecy. All of them say something different. From decade to decade, their claims change....
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