Self-contradictory doctrines like, "Christ saves, but you must contribute," have sparked debating voices for centuries. Religious groups use "grace" and "mercy" language but teach that one must contribute to his or her salvation. That's a works-centered and human-exalting Gospel, folks. Either regeneration precedes faith precedes works or works precede faith precedes regeneration. We simply cannot have it both ways.
In this episode, James and Andrew talk about penance vs. repentance, Christ's finished work on the cross and the finality of His forgiveness, and see how Luther rebutted Rome's doctrines of penance and purgatory. We err if we preach that one is forgiven and yet must in any way atone for his or her sin by any sacrament, deed, prayer, oath, or payment. The wage of sin is death. Either we are covered by Christ's substitutionary death or experience everlasting death in our own sin. There can be no halfway system.
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In the coming weeks, Andrew and James will continue walking through Luther’s 95 theses and Washer’s indictments against the modern church. After that, they will address popular teaching in the world today-comparing its content to Scripture. Send teachings you would like them to interact with using the contact form at If you are interested in being a guest on the podcast, please include that information.
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The elders of Israel eat and drink in the presence of God as a result of receiving His Law. They are not terrified. God...
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