The Accessibility of God- Exodus 27

October 04, 2023 00:03:01
The Accessibility of God- Exodus 27
Daily Devotionals with Andrew Cannon
The Accessibility of God- Exodus 27

Oct 04 2023 | 00:03:01


Show Notes

Worship is not once in a lifetime or on occasion. It is an everyday thing. God makes Himself available to His people and ready 24 hours a day and 7 days a week–perpetually forever.

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God instructs Israel to build the bronze altar for sacrifices and the outer court of the tabernacle. When He finishes instructing them how to build those things, He instructs Aaron and his sons to keep the tent of meeting in order form evening to morning. He instructs the people to bring oil so that the lamp will burn continually. God does not desire to only have His people worshipping on one day or another. His tabernacle lamp was to be continually lit throughout the generations. Further, the priesthood was to keep the Tabernacle orderly throughout the generations. The only place Aaron and his sons were not to go was behind the veil that hid the ark and mercy seat. The 24/7 access to the Tabernacle and burning of the lamps show us that God is always with His people. At all times, the people of God have perfect access to Him and His leadership in life. He is always making us complete, not only on the day of the week we attend church. The ministry of God never stops. I take great comfort in the fact that God is always available, always enlightening us, always sanctifying His people, and always drawing us into communion with Himself. He is a good, good Father.

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