Exodus 20:1-3

August 21, 2023 00:03:26
Exodus 20:1-3
Daily Devotionals with Andrew Cannon
Exodus 20:1-3

Aug 21 2023 | 00:03:26


Show Notes

When God gives the Ten Commandments, He founds them upon His own identity and work. The Ten Commandments are for the people of God. They are given after He chooses and delivers His nation.

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God gives Moses the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are a summary of the whole Law. God first describes who He is and what He has done. His own character and action are the bases for the imperatives. God identifies Himself as Yahweh, Israel’s God. As Israel’s God, He brought Israel out of Egypt where they were slaves. Notice, God does not expect Israel to follow His Law in order to gain His favor. He has already chosen and favors Israel—and subsequently gives the nation His Law. The Law is not for people and nations who are not chosen and favored by God. It is for God’s chosen nation. This bears some application to the modern day and the New Testament church. Jesus teaches us not to cast our pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6), expecting unbelievers to react well to godly accountability. John instructs is to let those who do wrong still do wrong (Revelation 22:11). Paul instructs us to judge those within the church but not outsiders (1 Corinthians 5:10-13). The commands of God are for the people of God. They are a treasure for our Good, like the laws of a good father for His sons so that they become mature adults. The Law does reveal the depravity and wretchedness of those outside of God’s people. We do not hold them to the standard of the Law because they do not yet love God. To be God’s own is the prerequisite for having anything accomplished by the Law in our lives or experiencing any benefit by the law. Because Yahweh is the God os Israel, having chosen and saved the nation, Israel is to have no other gods before Him—literally, no other gods to face Him. Yahweh is the only God. Therefore, His people name Him alone as their God. He does not have any partners. He is not one among others. He is not a chief deity. He is the only one. Israel was not to have false gods like Baal or Ashtoreth. In fact, nothing or no one was to be given equal attention or status as Yahweh. If we are God’s people, such a moral Law also applies to us—which is why we believe practices like witchcraft and consultation with the dead are inherently sinful. God is the one we pray to. He is our power and life.

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