Being Made Complete- Exodus 25:31-40

October 02, 2023 00:03:14
Being Made Complete- Exodus 25:31-40
Daily Devotionals with Andrew Cannon
Being Made Complete- Exodus 25:31-40

Oct 02 2023 | 00:03:14


Show Notes

God instructs Isreal to craft a menorah, symbolizing the fact that He completes His people by teaching them.

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God instructs Israel to craft a menorah for the Tabernacle. It and all of its utensils are to be made from a talent of gold. Menorahs have six branches with seven lamps. Both six and seven are important symbolic numbers in the world since the creation of human kind. People were created on the sixth day of creation. By the seventh day, God had finished all His work of creation according to Genesis 1-2. Six is the number of a man. Seven is the number of completion. With six branches, the menorah symbolizes the establishing of humankind. With seven lamps, the menorah symbolizes completeness. With the lamps, the menorah is meant to remind Israel that through them, all the families of the earth will be enlightened or blessed according to God’s promise to Abraham (cf. Genesis 12; 15). When people are taught of God, their paths are illuminated and they are established. So, we come humbly to God’s word in order to learn from it. By enlightening us, God will make us complete in Him. The lamp and oil will become symbols that represent the Holy Spirit because it is by His Spirit that God guides us unto all truth. Exactly how the Spirit leads people unto all truth is a matter of some disagreement among God’s people today, but the truth remains. God is making us complete by illuminating our thoughts and steps.

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